Understand Calories Understand Weight loss
Do you know?
Fats are the most concentrated form of energy and one of The important component of our diet.The dietary fats that we consume may be saturated, unsaturated or trans fats. Saturated and trans fats are the most harmful type of fats, as they get deposited in the body causing various ailments including heart attack and cancer. Unsaturated fats are both monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated. Both of these are needed for proper functioning of our body.
Calories are a measure of energy. Caloric intake is great importance for your health. Calories in food needed to sustain life. Excess and not enough caloric intake are not good for your health. Eating too much and less movement of body cause obesity. You can reduce the body weight by decreasing calorie intake and increasing activity level.
Daily caloric intake can be calculated and is influenced by various factors, including gender, height, weight, activity level, and age. Children, for example, have different caloric needs than adults, and specific age groups of children have different caloric needs. On average, a woman should eat 2000 calories per day to maintain her weight, and she should limit her caloric intake to 1500 or less in order to lose one pound per week. For the average male to maintain his body weight, he should eat 2500 calories per day, or 2000 a day if he wants to lose one pound per week.
Yoga for weight loss
Overweight leads to several complications and risk factors for many diseases. Practice of Yoga with diet care for few months, 1 hr everyday in morning helpful in decrease in body weight.
In Yoga we practice asanas not only for burning extra calories, but also to develop body awareness to understand the language of our body the way it works and what suits it best. From this understanding we can modify or adjust our diet and lifestyle to suit the needs of our body and mind. Even though Yoga practice not just reduce weight but also helps to increase self-awareness.
Surya Namaskar (salutation to the sun )is most important for the treatment of obesity. Surya Namaskar is a complete practice itself because it is a combination of asana, pranayama, mantra and Meditation. This practice has a unique influence on the endocrine and nervous system helping to correct metabolic imbalance that cause over weight.
The practice of Pawanamuktasana.series II for the digestive system which help to remove extra fat from the abdomen hips and thighs and activate the energy in the lower pranic centers. These practices are very good for strengthening the abdominal muscles and helps to burn the extra fat tissue.
The practices of the shakthi bandha series are also very effective in reducing weight Kriyas like jaladhauti, shankha Prakshalana etc. and asanas like druta halasana, paschimottansana, navkasana dhaurasana, matsyasana, padhastasana, dandasana (plank) massage the abdominal organ and reduce extra fat.
The pranayama practices recommended for weight loss are also the more dynamic forms which stimulate the metabolism they include bhastrika, kapalabhati and suryabhedi which are performed along with balancing practices like nadi shodhan, ujjayi, sheetali and sheetkari are relaxing cooling practices which influence different hypothalamic centers and give control over thirst and the feeling of satisfaction with healthy quantities and qualities of food satisfaction.
Over weight is a lifestyle disorder. It decreases the auto immune system of human body and produce lot of complication in life. But yogic life style, specific asanas, pranayama will stimulate auto human system of body as a result of that reduce the complication of obesity. Make yoga practice part of your life style to stay fit and healthy.
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